Hawkesbury Gazette

Mad Men parting one to enjoy

By Paul Kalina
April 17 2014 - 3:00am
We will inevitably watch this week's debut of the seventh and final season of <i>Mad Men</i> through a sentimental prism, knowing it will end next year.
We will inevitably watch this week's debut of the seventh and final season of <i>Mad Men</i> through a sentimental prism, knowing it will end next year.

Fawlty Towers is arguably the most vaunted show in TV history. A mere 12 episodes of the John Cleese comedy were made, but is there anyone in the world who, having watched Basil ingratiate himself to the obnoxious American wanting a Waldorf Salad or humiliate the long-suffering Manuel, doesn't hanker for more?