Hawkesbury Gazette

Generation next

August 2 2014 - 3:00am
Illustration by Ana Bustelo / theillustrationroom.com.au.
Illustration by Ana Bustelo / theillustrationroom.com.au.

Oh, for a time when the old were old, the young were young, and the rest of us just got on with it. These days, however, each of us is not only an island, entire of itself, but also a member of a Generation (note the capital G), and therefore subject to the wild generalisations of social commentators, researchers and members of the media everywhere. If you are a baby boomer (born 1946-1964)*, for instance, growing up in a period of unprecedented postwar prosperity, you are, ipso facto, hard-working, confident and materialistic, with a profound inner gratitude for the invention of labour-saving white goods in all their miraculous variety.