Hawkesbury Gazette

In peak condition

Updated October 26 2012 - 3:08pm, first published October 3 2012 - 1:00pm
Altitude training need not be undertaken near a mountain - and can be very beneficial to exercise regimes.
Altitude training need not be undertaken near a mountain - and can be very beneficial to exercise regimes.
Altitude training need not be undertaken near a mountain - and can be very beneficial to exercise regimes.
Altitude training need not be undertaken near a mountain - and can be very beneficial to exercise regimes.

I'm pedalling away on a stationary bike in an exercise studio with a difference. The air inside mimics the air you'd fine at an altitude of around 3,700 metres – the equivalent of being part way up  Mount Kilimanjaro.  I'm puffing more than I normally would because, as with the air supply in high places,   it's harder to get enough oxygen.